News Archive

Welcome back to school!

We are excited to welcome students and families back to school on Tuesday Sept. 5th! School will be in session from 9:00-10:00 am.

Please make note of the following:

  • Students should return to their previous classes. They will report to these classrooms for all of next week, with the following exceptions:

Ms. Wattenathum’s class to Room 2 (with Ms. S)

Mr. Mealha’s grade 7s to Room 15 (with Ms. Pagnotta)

  • New students should report to the gym

Our PAC will be at the front of the school from 9-10 am, hosting a welcome back to school event.  Please drop by and say hi!

Welcome to Kindergarten will be in the gym 10:30-11:00/11:30 (an email to our kindergarten parents was sent out with more details)

Please refer to the email from Ms. Griffin for more details.

We hope you have had a restful summer and are ready for a new year of learning and connections! Looking forward to seeing everyone Tuesday morning!

-The Armstrong Staff