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Armstrong Entrepreneur Fair – April 4th and 5th

Armstrong Entrepreneur Fair – April 4th and 5th

Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 would like to invite Armstrong students to their Entrepreneur Fair, happening on Tuesday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 5th in the Gym.

Students in these classes were given the task to create a product from scratch. They created a prototype in which they had to present to the class and receive feedback in order to improve their product. Going forward, they established a money plan covering their costs and looking at their potential profits. Finally, they worked on advertising and marketing towards a certain demographic.

This week marks the final week of preparation to kickstart their business. Flyers are already hanging up in the hallways, and we even have some students coming into classrooms promoting the business fair and the creative products that these students have made.

Each class will have an opportunity during the school day to check out the products, and purchase them if they choose to.

Prices range from $1 to about $5 depending on the product. Products range from Stress Balls, Slime, and Fidgets to specialized bookmarks, soaps, and other creative little knick-knacks that children of all ages would enjoy!

All proceeds will be going towards Grade 6/7 Camp.

Thank you everyone for your support!